Terry Brock is an Historical Archaeologist who works at the intersection of archaeological research, digital tools, community engagement, and cultural heritage.
The Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Research Group
At Wake Forest University, Dr. Brock directs CHARG, a community-focused archaeological research group that prioritizes community led heritage and archaeological projects, digital tools, and student research.
An array of experience
Dr. Brock has worked at museums, universities, and cultural resource management.
Museums & Non Profits
- The Montpelier Foundation (Assistant Director of Archaeology, 2014-2021)
- Wake Forest Historical Museum (Manager of Archaeology and Research, 2021-present)
- Historic St. Mary’s City (Special Projects Researcher, 2007-2014)
- Archaeology in the Community (Board Member, 2014-present, Board Chair, 2021-23, Board Treasurer, current)
- MUSE Winston Salem (Board Member, 2023-present)
- Wake Forest University (Research Associate, Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies Program, African American Studies Program, 2021-present)
- Michigan State University (Campus Archaeologist, 2008-2010)
- Archaeology Field School Director (Montpelier, 2014-2023)
Cultural Resource Management
- James River Institute for Archaeology (Field Technician, 2010-2013)
- Brock Research and Consulting (Founder, 2010-present)
Publications, Presentations, Projects
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